In re Cutler Minors
LC No. 19-028755-NA
Anica Letica Presiding Judge, Jane E. Markey, Christopher P. Yates Judges
Anica Letica Presiding Judge
The motion for reconsideration is DENIED. The March 17, 2023 order appealed from is not a final order under MCR 3.993(A)(1) because it is not an order removing the children at issue from residence with appellees but rather that order continues the children in their temporary placement with appellant. In re AJR, __ Mich App __; __ N.W.2d __ (Docket No. 358788, issued June 9, 2022), slip op pp 3-4. Appellant's vague reference to MCR 3.993(A)(7) defining "any final order" in a child protective case to be appealable of right is insufficient to show any error in the dismissal of this appeal because a party "may not merely announce a position and leave it to this Court to discover and rationalize the basis for the claim." National Waterworks, Inc v Int'l Fidelity & Surety, Ltd, 275 Mich.App. 256, 265; 739 N.W.2d 121 (2007). Further, no reason is apparent why the order appealed from would qualify as "any final order" when it provides for the children to remain in appellant's temporary care and supervision and plainly contemplated further proceedings in this case. Other arguments advanced by appellant concern the merits of the trial court's decisions in the order appealed from and are not relevant to whether that order is appealable of right.