1 JD 2023
James P. Kiernan, Jr. Senior Deputy Counsel Supreme Court ID No. 87637 Judicial Conduct Board Attorney for Judicial Conduct Board Samuel C. Stretton Supreme Court ID No. 18491 Law Office of Samuel C. Stretton Attorney for Respondent
James P. Kiernan, Jr. Senior Deputy Counsel Supreme Court ID No. 87637 Judicial Conduct Board Attorney for Judicial Conduct Board
Samuel C. Stretton Supreme Court ID No. 18491 Law Office of Samuel C. Stretton Attorney for Respondent
NOW COMES the Judicial Conduct Board, by and through James P. Kleman, Jr., Senior Deputy Counsel, and Judge Mark B. Cohen, Respondent herein, by and through his counsel, Samuel C. Stretton, Esquire, and jointly file this Motion to Correct Transcript as follows:
1. Upon review of the Transcript of Proceedings held in this matter on July 24, 2023, counsel for the parties have identified the following of errors and omissions on the pages and lines indicated with deletions being [bracketed] and additions being underscored:
a. Page 1, [Lancaster County] should be Philadelphia County
b. page 25, line 5, [great] should be strict
c. page 27, line 2, [for] should be as
d. page 28, line 6, [Karen Adler]
e. page 43, line 20, [cross] should be come across
f. page 49, line 1, [but] should be and
g. page 61, line 3, I should be added before "conduct"
h. page 62, line 14, [robes] should be robe
i. page 63, line 14, [robes] should be robe
j. page 67, line 20, insert space between "posts" and "and"
k. page 67, line 23, he should be added before "a"
l. page 69, line 8, as should be added before "to"
m. page 71, line 6, [Cohen] should be Baranoski
n. page 71, line 17, [Cohen] should be Baranoski
o. page 74, line 13, under should be before "free"
p. page 81, line 18, [Flaherty] should be Marsico
q. page 82, line 4, [Flaherty] should be Marsico
r. page 99, line 3, [get] should be cut
s. page 114, line 15, share should be added before "general"
t. page 118, line 3, [persistently] should be continuously
u. page 128, line 6, [Judge Flaherty] should be Judge Baranoski
v. page 145, line 25, [finely] should be finally
w. page 149, line 21, [talked] should be saw
x. page 151, line 25, [just] should be he's
y. page 153, line 16, [lighter] should be wider
z. page 153, line 21, [answer to] should be basis of
aa. page 154, line 3, [she] should be he
bb. page 159, line 16, [Chaney] should be Cheney
cc. page 166, line 22, [modern rights] should be Robert Reich
dd. page 169, line 8, [alimony] should be out of money and
ee. page 180, line 19 [Andy Cue] should be Andi Cude
ff. page 190, line 16, page 191, line 2, line 11, [Chaney] should be Cheney in all instances
gg. page 191, line 16, [aspartic] should be support
hh .page 192, line 5, [Reich] should be right
ii. page 199, line 1, [judgement] should be judgment
jj. page 199, lines 8 and 10, [Chaney] should be Cheney in both instances
kk. page 199, line 20, [t] should be omitted
ll. page 202, line 21, [judgement] should be judgment
mm. page 203, line 15, [merges] should be emerges
nn. page 203, line 18, [merging] should be emerging
oo. page 207, line 3, [is seated] should be conceded
pp. page 213, line 5, the should be before "Code"
qq. page 214, line 7, It's should be before "a"
rr. page 215, line 7, a picture should be before "in"
ss. page 215, line 17, [Fact is] should be The fact is in
tt. page 215, line 23, [application of] should be avocational
uu. page 216, line 13, [public] should be publicly
vv. page 219, line 7, [judiciary's] should be judiciary is
ww. page 223, line 23, page 224, line 1, [Chaney] should be Cheney in both instances
xx. page 237, line 21, [him] should be his
yy. page 246, line 24, the should be before "posting"
zz. page 252, line 1, [prep] should be step down
aaa. page 256, line 7, [There] should be They
bbb. page 257, line 21, a should be before "political"
ccc. page 259, line 14, [stamp] should be staff
ddd. page 263, line 6, [wild] should be wide
eee. page 264, line 3, [The] should be omitted
fff. page 265, line 14, 19, and 22 [Chaney] should be Cheney in all instances
ggg. page 266, line 9, [Marris] should be Maris
hhh. page 268, line 3, [Pet] should be omitted
iii. page 270, line 15, [authentication] should be a vindication
jjj. page 273, line 2, [with] should be who put
kkk. page 282, line 16, [man and woman] should be men and women
lll. page 284, line 3, [marginally] should be majority
mmm. page 287, line 9, [cause] should be scope nnn. page 291, line 17, make him should be before "feel"
ooo. page 293, line 21, [code] should be board
ppp. page 296, lines 12 and 13, [it] should be they in both instances
qqq. page 298, line 24, [Mark Steer] should be Marc Stier
rrr. page 299, line 1, [Mark Steer] should be Marc Stier
sss. page 299, line 19, [him] should be himself
ttt. page 300, line 19, [Mark Steer] should be Marc Stier
uuu. page 303, line 11, [unsolved] should be unresolved
vvv. page 303, line 20, [judgement] should be judgment
www. page 304, line 4, [judgement] should be judgment
xxx. page 307, lines 2, 4, 6 and 7, [judgement] should be judgment in all instances
yyy. page 308, line 23, [to] should be it would
zzz. page 309, line 2, [Occupied] should be Occupy
aaaa. page 310, line 25, [goods] should be good is
bbbb. page 322, line 24, [and] should be omitted
cccc. page 324, line 5, [judgements] should be judgments
dddd. page 326, line 24, [weighting] should be weighty
eeee. page 329, line 24, [the next one present] should be an excellent president
ffff. page 330, line 2, [Fedderman] should be Fetterman
gggg. page 331, line 17, [what's] should be what was
hhhh. page 335, line 5, [take] should be before then
iiii. page 342, line 9, [judiciary] should be Judicial Discipline
jjjj. page 346, line 4, [served the Board] should be heard from the Board
kkkk. page 347, line 13, [does] should be has
llll. page 349, line 8, Judge Becker, your father, for example should be before "Here's"
WHEREFORE, in order that the transcript accurately reflect the proceedings held on July 24, 2023, it is respectfully requested that the stenographer be directed to correct the transcript filed in this matter as set forth above.
WHEREFORE, in order that the transcript accurately reflect the proceedings held on July 24, 2023, it is respectfully requested that the stenographer be directed to correct the transcript filed in this matter as set forth above.
I certify that this filing complies with the provisions of the Case Records and Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania that require filing of confidential information and documents differently than non-confidential information and documents.
In compliance with Rule 122 of the Court of Judicial Discipline Rules of Procedure, on the date below a copy of the Joint Motion to Correct Transcript was mailed and emailed to Samuel C. Stretton, Esquire, Counsel for Respondent, at the following address:
Samuel C. Stretton, Esquire
103 South High Street
P.O. Box 3231
West Chester, PA 19381-3231