No. 15-371
Pursuant to amendment 66 of the Arkansas Constitution, the Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission filed on November 17, 2015, formal charges against Cross County District Judge Joseph Boeckmann. The Commission alleges, inter alia, that Judge Boeckmann has exhibited gender bias in sentencing, has used his judicial status to form personal and sexual relationships with certain litigants, and has solicited sexual relations from certain litigants in exchange for reductions or dismissals of court fines and costs. All judges are afforded the rights provided in amendment 66, and this order should not be deemed as a judgment about, or determination of, any charges pending before the Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission.
Amendment 80 to the Arkansas Constitution provides that the supreme court, through the Chief Justice, shall exercise general superintending control over district courts, which includes the power to temporarily appoint special judges. See Ark. Const. amend. 80, § 4. If the Chief Justice determines that "there is . . . [a] need for a Special Judge to be temporarily appointed, a Special Judge maybe assigned by the Chief Justice . . . to serve during the period of . . . need." Ark. Const. amend. 80, § 13(C).
To protect the integrity of the judicial system and to maintain public confidence in the administration of justice, I find it necessary to appoint by separate order, a special judge, or judges, to the Cross County District Court, Wynne, Cherry Valley, and Parkin Departments, to hear all pending cases and any cases filed while this order is in effect. The special judge, or judges, shall have exclusive authority over the Cross County District Court docket from the date of this order until further notification.
Chief Justice