Re: Charleston Housing Court Expansion
Donald W. Beatty C. J.
On May 24, 2019, after petition from the South Carolina Access to Justice Commission, this Court authorized the creation of the Charleston Housing Court Pilot Project to create an eviction docket on specific days in three specific Magistrate Courts in Charleston County. With that Order, 1 this Court recognized that "[t]here is a significant need to provide legal representation to tenants in Charleston County facing eviction" and that "[increased representation can ensure that [evictions] are lawful, defenses are effectively asserted, and secure other relief that may help prevent homelessness."
After two years of successful operation, the coordinators of the Charleston Housing Court seek to expand the Project to other Magistrate Courts in the Charleston area.
This order serves to authorize the expansion of the Charleston Housing Court. This Court recognizes the importance and need of the program in the Charleston area and as a result hereby authorizes the expansion of the program to all magistrate courts in the Charleston area.
This order is effective immediately and remains in effect unless amended or revoked by subsequent order of the Chief Justice.