Opinion Delivered May 3, 1993
By per curiam order dated July 5, 1983, the Court established the Arkansas Supreme Court Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners and directed that they promulgate relevant regulations for approval by the Court.
On September 26, 1983, the Court approved the Regulations submitted by the Board and has since approved various amendments, the last on July 1, 1991.
On April 9, 1993, the Board filed a Motion once more to amend Sections 9, 12, and 17 of Regulations. Pursuant to Section 3G. of the Rule Providing for Certification of Court Reporters, the Court approves and adopts those amendments as recommended effective this date.
The Court hereby republishes Regulations 9, 12, and 17 in their entirety as amended.
Section 9. A reporter's certification will immediately expire if the $20.00 certificate renewal fee is not remitted to the Clerk of the Supreme Court on or before January 1 of each year. An expired certificate shall be reinstated without examination, within 120 days of the date the certificate expired for failure to timely renew, upon application and payment of a $100.00 penalty fee as well as the $20.00 renewal fee. Otherwise, the certificate shall be suspended but may be reinstated during the remainder of the calendar year in which the certificate expired for failure to timely renew, if the Board finds, based on a sworn affidavit(s) or other credible evidence, that the applicant has retained the professional skills required for original certification and has paid all delinquent renewal and penalty fees. After December 31 of the calendar year in which the certificate expired, an expired certificate shall not be subject to renewal without examination. (Amended July 1, 1991).
Section 12. At the discretion of the Board, any eligible applicant not certified pursuant to the per curiam order of the Supreme Court of Arkansas, dated July 5, 1983, or any eligible applicant who is certified in another state, may be granted a single, non-renewable temporary certificate to enable said applicant to work. The applicant for a temporary certificate must also timely apply to test and must test on the next scheduled examination date. The temporary certificate issued shall expire fourteen days after a reporter receiving such a certificate has had one opportunity to pass the examination. The certificate shall reflect the expiration date on its face as well as the method of reporting. (Amended February 24, 1986) (Amended July 1, 1991)
Applicants for temporary certificates will be considered by the Board only if the applicant meets the following requirements:
a. The applicant has been granted a diploma or equivalent from a court reporting school which is recognized and accepted by the Board, or
b. the applicant has completed one year's continuous work experience in court reporting in a state which does not require certification, or
c. the applicant has been certified as a court reporter in a sister state, or by the National Shorthand Reporters' Association, or by the National Stenomask Verbatim Reporters' Association.
Section 17. The Board shall maintain a file containing names and pertinent information on all individuals who have been certified, including all verbatim notes or records, transcripts, and other papers used in connection with testing.
It shall be the responsibility of the certified court reporter to provide the Office of the Supreme Court Clerk with written notification of any change of address within fourteen (14) working days.
For the purposes of these regulations, written notification by certified or first class mail to the most recent address provided to the Office of the Clerk shall be deemed sufficient.