Delivered January 23, 1995
Our State has received a Court Improvement Grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to be administered by the Supreme Court. The purpose of the grant is to conduct a study of foster care and adoption practice and procedure in our state courts, to determine where improvements can be made, and to implement those improvements.
Pursuant to the provisions of the grant we appoint an ad hoc committee to assist in the evaluation and implementation of the Court Improvement Grant. The committee will study the practices and procedures utilized in foster care and adoption cases and based upon its evaluation, the committee will make recommendations to the Court regarding its findings and the implementation of improvements.
The following persons are hereby appointed to the Arkansas Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on Foster Care and Adoption Assessment.
Honorable Joyce Williams Warren Juvenile Division Judge
Honorable Gayle Ford Circuit/Chancery Judge
Jan Chaparro, Assistant Director for Family Preservation Arkansas Department of Human Services
Lisa McGee, Assistant Chief Counsel Arkansas Department of Human Services
Kay West Forrest, Managing Attorney Arkansas Department of Human Services
Amy Rossi, Executive Director Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Consevella James, Executive Director Treatment Homes, Inc.
Gerald Glenn, Director UALR School of Law Legal Clinic
Mary Alice Hesselbein Guardian Ad Litem
Jim Miles, Esq. Adoptive Parent and former Foster Parent
Judieth Balentine Attorney-at-Law