In the Matter of Applications to Withdraw Appeals, Cross Appeals, or Proceedings
Unpublished Opinion
Parties to the following causes have filed applications to withdraw certain appeals, cross appeals, or proceedings.
Upon the papers filed in support of the applications, it is
ORDERED that the applications are granted and the following appeals, cross appeals, or proceedings by the applicant(s) set forth below are deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements:
Title Docket No(s). Applicant(s) Brown v Villanueva 2021-04650 Corrine Brown Franklin v Albano 2021-04026 Christopher Franklin Garcia v Vernon Woods Apartments, Inc. 2021-007321 Vernon Woods Apartments, Inc. Koheil v Rameshwar, LLC 2019-11341 Mohamed Koheil Korozan v LIC Development Owner, L.P. 2020-033531 Turner Construction Company Linker v Perlstein 2021-01690 Sara Perlstein McLaughlin v Desane 2021-03951 Jennifer McLaughlin Mennes v Bloncourt 2020-049401 Kelly Bloncourt
Larry Bloncourt Mohamed v Rockaway Car Service 2021-03236 Nadira Mohamed Mola v Marx 2021-06193 Sara I. Marx People v Gonzalez, Angel 2016-05354 1
2016-05356 Angel Gonzalez Sican v Gemio 2020-067251 Luca Gemio
Ivan Gemio
David Gemio Sikder v Dyson 2021-03960 Mohammed M. Sikder Spears v Passengers Motor Carriers, Inc. 2021-04807 Abul Hashem
Domino's Pizza, LLC Suk Kyung Kim v Stamarie 2020-027251 Samuel D. Stamarie UTR, LLC v Flynn 2021-00566 Town of Smithtown Vasquez v 490-498 Uniondale Ave., LLC 2020-016751 490-498 Uniondale Ave., LLC