The following Order is subject to the definitions, obligations and restrictions imposed pursuant to Standing Order M10-468, as Revised. Upon submission of written application to this Court, it is hereby
ORDERED that the following attorney(s) are authorized to bring the Personal Electronic Device(s) and/ or the General Purpose Computing Device(s) (collectively, "Devices") listed below into the Courthouse for use in a proceeding or trial in the action captioned:
United States v. Howard Adelglass, 20 Cr. 605 (JSR) .
ORDERED that for the device(s) checked below SDNY Courtroom WI-FI access shall be provided.
The date(s) for which such authorization is provided is (are)
Attorney | | Device(s) | Courtroom | WIFI Granted |
Irving Cohen, Esq. | icohenlaw@msn.com | Apple iPhone, Apple Macbook Computer Charging cords | 14B | |
Chanel Sochacki, Esq. | cmsochacki@gmail.comc | Apple iPhone,Apple Macbook Computer,charging cords | 14B | |
(Attach Extra Sheet If Needed)
The attorney(s) identified in this Order must present a copy of this Order when entering the Courthouse. Bringing any authorized Device(s) into the Courthouse or its Environs constitutes a certification by the attorney that he or she will comply in all respects with the restrictions and obligations set forth in Standing Order M10-468, as Revised.