Supreme Court No. SB-09-0004-R
March 17, 2009.
Disciplinary Commission No. 08-6005.
Applicant BRUCE A. GILES has established to the satisfaction of the Disciplinary Commission and this Court that he is qualified for reinstatement to active bar membership; now, therefore, pursuant to Rule 65 of the Rules of the Supreme Court,
IT IS ORDERED that BRUCE A. GILES be and hereby is reinstated as a member of the State Bar of Arizona effective the date of this Order, and is placed on probation for a period of one year. The terms of probation are as follows:
1. Within thirty days of reinstatement, Applicant shall contact the Director of LOMAP. Applicant shall thereafter enter into a LOMAP contract based on the recommendations made by the LOMAP director or designee. Applicant shall obtain an approved practice monitor.
2. Within thirty days of reinstatement, Applicant shall contact the Director of MAP. Applicant shall thereafter enter into a MAP contract based on the recommendations made by the MAP director or designee.
3. By July 1, 2009, Applicant shall complete a minimum of fifteen hours of continuing legal education activity as approved by the State Bar.
4. In the event that Applicant fails to comply with any of the foregoing conditions, and the State Bar receives information, bar counsel shall file with the imposing entity a Notice of Non-Compliance, pursuant to Rule 60(a)(5), Ariz.R.Sup.Ct.
The Hearing Officer shall conduct a hearing within thirty days after receipt of said notice, to determine whether the terms of probation have been violated and if an additional sanction should be imposed. In the event there is an allegation that any of these terms have been violated, the burden of proof shall be on the State Bar of Arizona to prove non-compliance by clear and convincing evidence.
DATED this _____ day of _____, 2009
Bruce A. Giles, Applicant (Certified Mail, Return Receipt and Regular Mail)
Maret Vessella, Deputy Chief Bar Counsel, State Bar of Arizona
Frederick C. Berry, Jr., Hearing Officer 9S
Leticia V. D'Amore, Disciplinary Clerk (Cert. Copy)
Sandra Montoya, Lawyer Regulation Records Manager, State Bar of Arizona (Cert. Copy)
Molly Dwyer, Clerk, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Cert. Copy)
Richard Weare, Clerk, United States District Court, District of Arizona (Cert. Copy)
West Publishing Company (Jode Ottman)