Hon. Gershwin A. Drain
Plaintiff, Gerald Abner, is a prolific filer of frivolous complaints and has been enjoined by Judge Avern Cohn from filing complaints against any party without first seeking and obtaining leave of Court by the presiding judge. See Case Number 03-72721, Dkt. No. 3. The Court received a letter from Plaintiff on Friday, February 15, 2013, wherein Plaintiff requests permission to file eighteen different lawsuits against various defendants seeking damages in excess of a million dollars in each case. This request comes to the undersigned as the presiding judge on the date Plaintiff's request to file the eighteen complaints was received.
Plaintiff failed to attach his proposed complaints with his letter, however he describes the allegations he seeks to include in these complaints. In Plaintiff's 33-page, incoherent, and rambling letter, he lists perceived wrongdoings or slights made by various individuals or corporate entities such as the National Football League, the National Basketball League and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, among others. These proposed allegations are indecipherable and fail to meet the basic pleading requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 8, thus the Court DENIES Plaintiff permission to file the eighteen complaints.
Gershwin A. Drain
United States District Judge
Certificate of Service
I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing document was served upon the parties and/or counsel of record on this date by electronic and/or first class mail.
Tanya R Bankston
Case Manager/Deputy Clerk