358180 358115
In re A White Minor
LC No. 20-725143-NA
Michael F. Gadola Presiding Judge, Deborah A. Servitto, James Robert Redford Judges
Michael F. Gadola Presiding Judge
On the Court's own motion pursuant to MCR 7.216(A)(7), these appeals are DECONSOLIDATED.
Pursuant to the November 4, 2022 order of the Supreme Court, Docket No. 358180 is REMANDED for further proceedings consistent with that order. We retain jurisdiction.
Proceedings on remand in this matter shall commence within 21 days of the Clerk's certification of this order, and they shall be given priority on remand until they are concluded. The proceedings on remand are limited by the Supreme Court's November 4, 2022 order.
The parties shall promptly file with this Court a copy of all papers filed on remand. Within seven days after entry, appellant shall file with this Court copies of all orders entered on remand.
The transcript of all proceedings on remand shall be prepared and filed within 21 days after completion of the proceedings.