Administrative Order No. 2011-102
October 5, 2011.
(Rescinding Administrative Order Nos. 2006-96 and 2007-77)
On November 8, 2006, this Court entered Administrative Order No. 2006-96 authorizing the Clerk of the Superior Court in Maricopa County (Clerk) to implement an Electronic Court Record Pilot Project to dispose of certain paper documents filed with the Clerk and replace them with electronically maintained images. The terms of this pilot were later amended by Administrative Order No. 2007-77.
After entering these Administrative Orders, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) established a process pursuant to Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA) § 1-507(E) under which a court may request authorization from the AOC to rely on electronic images of court records in lieu of paper case records. The Clerk completed this process and received authorization from the AOC on September 20, 2011. Accordingly, there is no longer a need for an Electronic Court Record Pilot Project in the Superior Court in Maricopa County.
Therefore, pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 of the Arizona Constitution,
IT IS ORDERED that the Electronic Court Records Pilot Project authorized by this Court is terminated and Administrative Order Nos. 2006-96 and 2007-77 are rescinded.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that documents previously exempted from the pilot implementation may now be maintained electronically at the discretion of the Clerk, and in compliance with the rules and statutes governing electronic court records.
Dated this 5th day of October, 2011.