November 1, 2007.
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) has filed a petition advising the Court that Joseph F. Kent, Esquire, passed away on May 5, 2007. At the request of Mr. Kent's personal representative, ODC has filed a petition asking the Court to appoint an attorney to disburse Mr. Kent's law firm escrow account funds pursuant to Rule 31, RLDE, Rule 413, SCACR. The petition is granted.
IT IS ORDERED that J. Kevin Holmes, Esquire, is hereby appointed to assume responsibility for Mr. Kent's escrow account. Mr. Holmes may make disbursements from the escrow account to Mr. Kent's appropriate clients.
This Order, when served on any bank or other financial institution maintaining Mr. Kent's escrow account, shall serve as notice to the bank or other financial institution that J. Kevin Holmes, Esquire, has been duly appointed by this Court.
This appointment shall be for a period of no longer than nine months unless request is made to this Court for an extension.