Administrative Order No. 2010-137, Amending Administrative Orders 2007-92, 2008-93, and 2009-125
December 28, 2010.
On December 6, 2007, Administrative Order No. 2007-92 was entered establishing the Capital Case Oversight Committee. The purpose of this advisory Committee was to study and recommend measures to facilitate capital case reduction efforts; make recommendations for adequate notice to the Supreme Court to assist the Court in making the necessary modifications to its staffing levels and judicial assignments to ensure the timely processing of appeals; and develop recommendations for any formal policies as deemed necessary.
On November 26, 2008, Administrative Order No. 2007-92 was entered extending the term of the Committee to December 31, 2009. On December 23, 2009, Administrative Order No. 2009-125 was entered extending the term of the Committee to December 31, 2010.
The Arizona Judicial Council has received and reviewed the Oversight Committee's November 2010 Report. The Oversight Committee has requested an extension of its term to address issues that are described in the November 2010 report and currently under study.
Now, therefore, pursuant to Article VI, Section 3, of the Arizona Constitution,
IT IS ORDERED that the term of the Capital Case Oversight Committee is extended to December 31, 2011, as follows:
1. Purpose. The Committee shall continue with its duties as set forth in Administrative Order No. 2007-92, and in addition, shall continue to study and make recommendations concerning the issues described in its November 2010 report.
2. Membership. The membership is attached as Appendix A. The chief justice may appoint additional members as needed or desired. Terms of Committee members shall expire on December 31, 2011.
3. Meetings. Committee meetings may be scheduled, cancelled, or moved at the discretion of the Committee chair. All meetings shall comply with the public meeting policy of the Arizona Judicial Branch, Arizona Code of Judicial Administration § 1-202.
4. Reports. The Committee shall submit a progress report to the Arizona Judicial Council in December, 2011.
5. Administrative Support. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall provide administrative support and staff for the Committee, who may, as feasible, conduct or coordinate research as requested by the Committee.
Appendix A Capital Case Oversight Committee Membership
Honorable Michael D. Ryan, Chair Retired Justice Arizona Supreme Court
Honorable Douglas Rayes Presiding Criminal Judge Superior Court in Maricopa County
Honorable Ronald Reinstein Retired Judge Superior Court in Maricopa County
Kent Cattani Chief Counsel, Capital Litigation Arizona Attorney General
Donna Hallam Staff Attorney Arizona Supreme Court
Dan Levey Director of Victim Services Arizona Attorney General
Marty Lieberman Director State Capital Post-Conviction Public Defender's Office
James Logan Director Maricopa County Office of Public Defender Services
William Montgomery Maricopa County Attorney
Daniel Patterson Capital Unit Supervisor Maricopa County Public Defender