Administrative Order No. 2008-30
March 27, 2008.
In accordance with Arizona Code of Judicial Administration § 1-111, the Chief Justice is responsible for appointing members to the Commission on Victims in the Courts. Therefore, after due consideration,
IT IS ORDERED that the following individuals are appointed to the Commission on Victims in the Courts for terms beginning on April 1, 2008 and ending on March 31, 2011: New Appointments Reappointments
James Belanger Honorable William O'Neil Attorney Superior Court Judge Paul Prato Honorable Anna Montoya-Paez Attorney Superior Court Judge Daisy Flores Honorable Lex Anderson Attorney Justice of the Peace Patti Bigwood Steve Twist Advocacy Representative Attorney Larry Farnsworth Doug Pilcher Law Enforcement Court Representative Karen Duffy Sydney Davis Associate Clerk of the Court Public Member New Appointments (Continued)Michael Branham
Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections
Leslie James
Public Member
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Pamela Wessel, Director of the Arizona Attorney General's Office of Victim Services is appointed to the Commission on Victims in the Courts by virtue of her position.