No. 184, 2002
Decided: January 6, 2003
Court Below-Superior Court of the State of Delaware, in and for New Castle County, C.A. No. 99C-09-138
This 6th day of January 2003, it appears to the Court that:
(1) A Superior Court jury found that Appellant Mohammad Imran, M.D. committed medical negligence. An attorney retained by Dr. Imran's malpractice insurance carrier, Security Trust Insurance, Ltd., filed a notice of appeal from the Superior Court judgment on behalf of Dr. Imran. The attorney has now filed a motion to withdraw on the basis that Security Trust has failed to pay his attorney's fees and reimburse him for costs in connection with the appeal.
(2) At this Court's request, Dr. Imran filed a response to the attorney's motion to withdraw. In the response, which was filed on behalf of Dr. Imran by his personal counsel, Dr. Imran offers no objection to the withdrawal of the attorney hired by his malpractice insurance carrier to represent him in the appeal. Dr. Imran further represents that he does not intend to retain his personal counsel to pursue the appeal. In the absence of any objection by Dr. Imran, the motion to withdraw should be granted.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the motion to withdraw is GRANTED.