Case No. 08 CV-01622-LJO-DLB.
February 12, 2010
Mario L. Beltramo, Jr., # 053146-0, Daniel L. Wainwright, # 193486, McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte Carruth LLP, Fresno, CA, Attorneys for Defendant, MADERA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.
This matter having come before the Court upon the Motion of Defendant, MADERA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ("MCH"), to File Documents under Seal and GOOD CAUSE appearing; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the following documents submitted by MCH in support of its Reply To Plaintiff's Opposition To Motion for Summary Judgment/Adjudication shall be filed under seal:
1. Declaration of Daniel L. Wainwright filed in support of MCH's Reply To Plaintiff's Opposition To Motion For Summary Judgment, Or Alternatively, Summary Adjudication (Exhibits "A" through "D"):
a. Exhibit "A," a true and correct copy of the relevant portions of the February 1, 2010 Deposition of Dr. Cardwell (81:14-82:3, 124:1-25, 143:1-25, 167:1-170:1, 108:12-109:2, 159:22-160:15, 108:12-109:2, 88:8-12, 123:14-20, 108:3-7, 109:23-110:13, 129:15-23).
b. Exhibit "B," a true and correct copy of the relevant portions of the January 25, 2010 Deposition of Nurse Funk (75:4-10, 75:16-20, 74:22-75:3).
c. Exhibit "C," a true and correct copy of the relevant portion of the January 25, 2010 Deposition of Dr. Nageotte (71:25-72:2, 72:6-15, 153:1-154:1).
d. Exhibit "D," a true and correct copy of the relevant portions of the January 26, 2010 Deposition of Dr. Reingold (14:1-25, 13:17-25).
2. Defendant, Madera Community Hospital's Reply To Plaintiff's Responses To Defendant's Statement Of Material Facts.
3. Defendant, Madera Community Hospital's Reply To Plaintiff's Statement of Disputed Facts Filed In Opposition To Its Motion For Summary Judgment.
4. Declaration of Daniel L. Wainwright filed in support of MCH's Motion to File Documents Under Seal in connection with its Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition Motion for Summary Judgment/Adjudication; and
5. Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed in support of MCH's Motion to File Documents Under Seal in connection with its Reply To Plaintiff's Opposition To Motion For Summary Judgment, Or Alternatively, Summary Adjudication.
It is further ORDERED that any members of the public, who desire access to the records sealed in connection with this Order, may bring an application to challenge the Order.