No. 29873.
Jim HOGG, Plaintiff, v. Glenn Nobuki MURAKAMI, and Ann Sue Isobe, Defendants–Appellants, and Walter Junichi Murakami and Etsuko Maruyama Murakami, as Co–Trustees under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement known as The Etsuko M. Murakami Trust dated December 20, 1989; American Savings Bank, F.S.B.; Joseph E. Spadaro, individually and as Trustee under that certain Declaration of Trust dated October 3, 2000; and John Nelson Spadaro, John Does 1–10; Jane Does 1–10; Doe Partnerships 1–10; Doe Corporations 1–10; Doe Entities 1–10; and Doe Governmental Units 1–10, Defendants, and Glenn Nobuki Murakami and Ann Sue Isobe, Counterclaimants–Appellants, v. Jim Hogg, Counterclaim Defendant, and Michael David Sakatani; Christine Marie Sakatani, and 808 Development LLC, a Hawai‘i limited liability company, Additional Counterclaim Defendants–Appellees, and Lisa Hogg, Joseph E. Spadaro, individually and as Trustee under that certain Declaration of Trust dated October 3, 2000; and John Nelson Spadaro, and Does A through Z, a Hawai‘i limited liability company, Additional Counterclaim Defendants, and Walter Junichi Murakami and Etsuko Maruyama Murakami, as Co–Trustees under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement known as The Walter J. Murakami Trust dated December 20, 1989, and that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement known as The Etsuko M. Murakami Trust dated December 20, 1989, Counterclaimants, v. Jim Hogg, Counterclaim Defendant, and John Nelson Spadaro, Defendant/Cross–Claimant, v. Glenn Nobuki Murakami and Ann Sue Isobe, Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellants, and John Does 1–10; Jane Does 1–10; Doe Partnerships 1–10; Doe Corporations 1–10; Doe Entities 1–10; and Doe Governmental Units 1–10, Cross–Claim Defendants, and Michael David Sakatani, and Christine Marie Sakatani, Additional Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellees, and John Does 11–100; Jane Does 11–100; Doe Partnerships 11–100; Doe Corporations 11–100; Doe Entities 11–100; and Doe Governmental Units 11–100, Additional Cross–Claim Defendants, and American Savings Bank, F.S.B., Defendant/Counterclaimant, v. Jim Hogg, Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant, and American Savings Bank, F.S.B., Defendant/Cross–Claimant, v. Glenn Nobuki Murakami; Ann Sue Isobe, Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellants, and Michael David Sakatani; Christine Marie Sakatani; and 808 Development LLC, a Hawai‘i limited liability company, Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellees, and Walter Junichi Murakami and Etsuko Maruyama Murakami, as Co–Trustees under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement known as The Walter J. Murakami Trust dated December 20, 1989, and that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement known as The Etsuko M. Murakami Trust dated December 20, 1989, and John Nelson Spadaro, Cross–Claim Defendants, and Walter Junichi Murakami and Etsuko Maruyama Murakami, Additional Cross–Claim Defendants, and Joseph E. Spadaro, individually and as Trustee under that certain Declaration of Trust dated October 3, 2000, Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff, v. Jim hogg, Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant, and Joseph E. Spadaro, individually and as Trustee under that certain Declaration of Trust dated October 3, 2000, Defendant/Cross–Claim Plaintiff, v. Glenn Nobuki Murakami, and Ann Sue Isobe, Defendants/Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellants, and American Savings Bank, F.S.B., John Nelson Spadaro and Doe Defendants, Defendants/Cross–Claim Defendants, and Michael David Sakatani; Christine Marie Sakatani; and 808 Development LLC, Additional Cross–Claim Defendants–Appellees, and Naoto Lathrop; Yoko Lathrop; Gordon Sun Pung Wong; Beverly Chang Wong; Kevin Paul Hisami Sumida; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Ryan Wells and Kristy Wells, United States of America, Department of Treasury; and Honsador Lumber Corporation, Additional Cross–Claim Defendants.
Gary Victor Dubin, Long H. Vu, Frederick J. Arensmeyer, (Dubin Law Offices), on the briefs, for Appellants. Kevin P.H. Sumida, (Kevin Sumida & Associates), on the briefs, for Defendant and Additional Counterclaim Defendants–Cross–Claim Defendants–Cross–Claimants–Appellees Michael David Sakatani, Christine Marie Sakatani, and 808 Development LLC.
Summary Dispositional Order Affirmed.