Kathleen Kerrigan Chief Judge
Upon due consideration of petitioner's Motion to Proceed Remotely, November 14, 2023, and to assure efficient progress of this case, it is
ORDERED that the motion to proceed remotely is granted, and that this case is calendared for trial at the remote session of the Court scheduled to commence on November 18, 2024. It is further
ORDERED that the Clerk of the Court shall also serve on the parties: (1) a Notice of Remote Proceeding that shall contain comprehensive instructions on how to participate in the above-referenced remote proceeding, (2) a copy of the Standing Pretrial Order for the Court's November 18, 2024, remote trial session, and (3) a clinic letter for Tampa, Florida. It is further
ORDERED that the parties (petitioner and respondent) are instructed to be diligent about preparing the case for trial, shall be appropriately responsive with one another, to be cooperative and communicative with their opponent by telephone, electronical means, or another appropriate means, to exchange documents and information, and to comply with this Court's rules and orders. The parties should also review the Court's Standing Pretrial Order issued for the Court's November 18, 2024, remote trial session, to assure their readiness for trial. It is further
ORDERED that in view of the record in this case, immediately upon receipt of this order (and in any event, no later than July 22, 2024), petitioner and respondent shall confer and be appropriately responsive, and shall cooperate and communicate with one another by telephone or electronic means, in scheduling a prompt telephone conference among the parties for the purpose of conferring with one another to further develop the case for trial or other resolution. It is further
ORDERED that, on or before August 12, 2024, respondent shall file a response to the above-referenced motion, noting therein (1) any objections, if any, of the granting of the motion, (2) describe the current progress in the case, (3) what actions the parties have taken to prepare this case for trial or other resolution, and (4) whether the parties have conferred as directed in the preceding paragraph.
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