EDCV 21-1284 MWF (SPx)
Marlon Hawkins v. Radnet Managed Imaging Services, Inc., et al.
Present: Honorable: MICHAEL W. FITZGERALD, United States District Judge.
A review of the docket in this action reflects that the Complaint was filed on July 30, 2021 (Docket No. 1). Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4(m), the time to serve the Complaint expired on October 28, 2021.
The Court ORDERS Plaintiff to show cause why this action should not be dismissed for lack of prosecution. In response to this Order to Show Cause, the Court will accept the following no later than DECEMBER 17, 2021.
■ BY PLAINTIFF: PROOFS OF SERVICE of Summons and Complaint.
A review of the docket report reflects that Defendants Anesthesia and Intensive Care Specialists, LLP, Infinity Capital Management, and Las Vegas Pharmacy, have not been served with the Summons and Complaint. Plaintiff shall file Proofs of Service as to these Defendants no later than DECEMBER 20, 2021.
If the time for these Defendants to respond to the Complaint has passed, Plaintiff shall concurrently file new or renewed Applications for Default Judgment.
If the time for these Defendants to respond to the Complaint has not yet passed, Plaintiff shall file new or renewed Applications for Default Judgment within five calendar days after the responsive deadline has passed. 1
Alternatively, Plaintiff may voluntarily dismiss Defendants Anesthesia and Intensive Care Specialists, LLP, Infinity Capital Management, and Las Vegas Pharmacy.
No oral argument on this matter will be heard unless otherwise ordered by the Court. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78; Local Rule 7-15. The Order will stand submitted upon the filing of the response to the Order to Show Cause. Failure to respond to the Order to Show Cause by December 20, 2021 will result in the dismissal of Defendants Anesthesia and Intensive Care Specialists, LLP, Infinity Capital Management, and Las Vegas Pharmacy from this action.