James S. Halpern, Judge
This case is calendared for trial at the Court's October 24, 2022, San Diego, California, trial session. The Court has been endeavoring to arrange a conference call to discuss matters raised by petitioner in a letter to the Court. By order served on August 25, 2022, the Court instructed petitioners to email Chambers Administrator, Velinda.Morton@ustaxcourt.gov, their availability for a conference call. By email on August 31, 2022, petitioner Hanson informed Ms. Morton of his availability for a conference call on September 7, 2022, but announced conditions to his participation, including an agenda, a discussion of his July 25 letter ("if this contingency cannot be met, we have no interest in the conference call"), and that petitioners "may terminate call at any point by simply hanging up."
Ms. Morton unsuccessfully attempted to telephone petitioner Hanson on September 7, 2022, to inform him that the Court and respondent were available for a conference call but that the Court does not accept conditions with respect to its contacts with parties. The Court will try one more time to arrange a conference call, during the week of September 19, 2022. The Court now offers the dates September 19 through September 23, 2022, from 2 PM to 5 PM (Eastern Time). Petitioners are to inform the Court of any of those periods that they are not available for a conference call. After hearing from petitioners, the Court will contact respondent to set a date and time and will inform the parties. If petitioners are not available, then we will address any concerns at calendar call. Therefore, it is
ORDERED that on or before Thursday, September15, 2022, petitioners are to email my Chambers Administrator, Velinda.Morton@ustaxcourt.gov, their availability for the conference call.
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