Case Number: 09-cv-00799-SJJ-KLM
Senior Judge Sterling Johnson Jr.
K. Weckwerth
Deputy Clerk
Anthony Frisolone
Court Reporter
Jeff Dykes
Stuart Bennett
Court in Session: 9:13 am
Introduction of counsel. Judge Johnson, Mr. Dykes and Mr. Bennett appearing by video.
The court questions counsel re: 10th Circuit remand.
Attorney Dykes provides overview of case status.
The court questions counsel re: [258] Magistrate Recommendation and [210] Motion for Attorney Fees.
Counsel discuss issue of attorney fees.
Court - Reserve ruling on attorney fees.
Attorney Dykes addresses court re: claims. Release Fraud claim, Escrow claim and True-up claim regarding expenses after closing.
Attorney Bennett addresses parties represented.
Attorney Dykes addresses court re: adjudication on merits.
Court - Reserve ruling on motion to amend.
Court questions counsel re: pretrial order.
Counsel agree discovery is complete and a Final Pretrial Conference is needed prior to trial.
Court questions re: length of trial.
Attorney Dykes indicates three days needed for trial.
Court - Status conference will be held after the Final Pretrial Conference which will be scheduled before Magistrate Judge Mix. Counsel are to place a joint call to Magistrate Judge Mix to obtain a date/time.
Attorney Bennett informs the court that there is a case currently pending in Arapahoe County. Trial is scheduled for February, 2012 and the parties are actively engaged in settlement discussions. If a settlement is reached, it will address all cases including the case pending before this court.
Court - The parties are to contact Magistrate Judge Mix to obtain a Final Pretrial Conference date. A status conference will be held before this court on January 25, 2013 at 9:30 a.m (Denver time) in Courtroom A601 of the Alfred A. Arraj Courthouse, 901 19th Street, Denver, CO.
Court in recess: 9:31 am
Total Time: 18 minutes
Hearing concluded.