C 11-01476 EMC C 11-05100 DMR
Friends of Oceano Dunes, Inc. v. Salazar et al Friends of Oceano Dunes, Inc. v. U.S. Department of the Interior et al
A Motion for Administrative Relief to Consider Whether Cases Should be Related or a Sua Sponte Judicial Referral for Purpose of Determining Relationship (Civil L.R. 3-12) has been filed. The time for filing an opposition or statement of support has passed. As the judge assigned to the earliest filed case below that bears my initials, I find that the more recently filed case(s) that I have initialed below are related to the case assigned to me, and such case(s) shall be reassigned to me. Any cases listed below that are not related to the case assigned to me are referred to the judge assigned to the next-earliest filed case for a related case determination.
I find that the above case is NOT related to the case assigned to me. EMC (not related)
Judge Edward M. Chen
The court has reviewed the motion and determined that no cases are related and no reassignments shall occur.
Richard W. Wieking, Clerk
By: ____
Deputy Clerk
I certify that on the date stated below, I lodged a copy of this order with each judicial officer and I mailed a copy to each counsel of record or pro se party in the cases listed above.
Richard W. Wieking, Clerk
Deputy Clerk
Copies to: Courtroom Deputies
Case Systems Administrators
Counsel of Record
Entered into Assignment Program: ____ (date)