Cause number: 01-17-00877-CV
Robert M. Fenlon v. Harris County, et al.
Type of motion: Motion for an Extension of Time to Pay for Appellate Records Fees Party filing motion: Pro Se Appellant Document to be filed: Evidence of Payment or Arrangement to Pay for Clerk's Record Is appeal accelerated? No If motion to extend time:
Original due date: December 11, 2017 (record due date)Ordered that motion is:
Number of extensions granted: 0 Current Due Date: January 12, 2018
Date Requested: N/A (30 days requested)
[v] Granted
[v] If document is to be filed, document due: February 12, 2018.
[ ] DeniedJudge's signature: /s/ Evelyn V. Keyes
[v] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[v] Other: __________
Because appellant has paid for the filing and reporter's record fees and states that he has made a down payment on the clerk's record fee, his motion for a 30-day extension of time to file evidence of payment arrangements for the clerk's record fee is granted until February 12, 2018. See TEX. R. APP. P. 4.1(a), 35.3(a)(2). To the extent that appellant's motion also seeks an extension of time to pay for the reporter's record fee, that is dismissed as moot because this Court granted the reporter's extension of time to file that record on January 9, 2018, until January 18, 2018. See id. 35.3(b)(3), (c).
[v] Acting individually [ ] Acting for the Court Date: January 18, 2018 November 7, 2008 Revision