TC-MD 120425N
Plaintiff filed his Complaint on April 26, 2012, challenging the value of properties identified as Accounts 0636983 and 1837804 for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 tax years. In an Order issued March 7, 2013, the court dismissed Plaintiff's appeal of Account 1837804 for the 2010-11 tax year finding that it lacks jurisdiction to consider Plaintiff's appeal of Account 1837804 for the 2010-11 tax year under ORS 305.288(1).
On August 2, 2013, the parties filed a written stipulation, agreeing to a reduction in the real market value of Account 0636983 for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 tax years. (Stip at 1-2, Aug 2, 2013.) Plaintiff withdrew its appeal of Account 1837804 for the 2011-12 tax year. (Id. at 2.) The court finds that the real market value of Account 0636983 is as stipulated by the parties for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 tax years. Now, therefore, IT IS THE DECISION OF THIS COURT that the real market values of property identified as Account 0636983 are, as stipulated, for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 tax years:
2010-11 tax year:
Real Market Value (RMV):
Land: $ 79, 500
Improvements: $ 55, 660
Total: $135, 160
Exception RMV: $ 79, 500;
2011-12 tax year:
Land: $ 72, 345
Improvements: $ 52, 480
Total: $124, 825.
IT IS FURTHER DECIDED that, for the reasons set forth in the court's Order issued March 7, 2013, Plaintiff's appeal of property identified as Account 1837804 for the 2010-11 tax year is dismissed.
IT IS FURTHER DECIDED that, as requested by Plaintiff, Plaintiff's appeal of property identified as Account 1837804 for the 2011-12 tax year is dismissed.