Ex parte Sam Smith, individually and in his capacity as director of the Calhoun County Department of Human Resources; Pamela McClellan; and Teresa Ellis. (In re: William David Streip, as personal representative of the Estate of Jerrie Leeann Streip, deceased v. Sam Smith, individually and in his capacity as director of the Calhoun County Department of Human Resources; Pamela McClellan; and Teresa Ellis)
PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS: CIVIL (Jefferson Circuit Court: CV-17-903149; Civil Appeals: 2180835). CERTIFICATE OF JUDGMENT
WHEREAS, the ruling on the application for rehearing filed in this case and indicated below was entered in this cause on November 20, 2020:
Application Overruled. No Opinion. Shaw, J. - Parker, C.J., and Bolin,
Wise, Bryan, Sellers, Mendheim, Stewart, and Mitchell, JJ., concur.
WHEREAS, the appeal in the above referenced cause has been duly submitted and considered by the Supreme Court of Alabama and the judgment indicated below was entered in this cause on September 4, 2020:
Petition Granted. Writ Issued. Shaw, J. - Parker, C.J., and Bolin, Wise,
Bryan, Sellers, Mendheim, and Stewart, JJ., concur. Mitchell, J., concurs
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Rule 41, Ala. R. App. P., IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this Court's judgment in this cause is certified on this date. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, unless otherwise ordered by this Court or agreed upon by the parties, the costs of this cause are hereby taxed as provided by Rule 35, Ala. R. App. P.
I, Julia J. Weller, as Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the instrument(s) herewith set out as same appear(s) of record in said Court.
Witness my hand this 20th day of November, 2020.
Clerk, Supreme Court of Alabama