Ex parte Forrest McCaughn.
, J.
PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS (In re: Forrest McCaughn v. Alabama State Board for Registration of Architects and National Council of Architectural Registration) (Mobile Circuit Court: CV-10-900220; Criminal Appeals : 2091122).
Writ Denied. No Opinion.
Circuit Judge, Michael A. Youngpeter, (251) 574-8780
Pet. Atty., Thomas Richard Boller, (251) 433-2133
Resp. Asst. Gen. Counsel, Billington M Garrett, (334) 242-7248
Resp. Atty., Tori Adams, (334) 242-7395
Resp. Atty., Patrick Hanlon Sims, (251) 415-7304
Resp. Atty., Elizabeth Utley, (334) 353-1619