Ex parte Jane Bradford.
, J.
PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS (In re: Jane Bradford v. Gwendolyn Brady, as the administratrix of the estate of Jean B. Arnold) (Jefferson Circuit Court: CV-09-996; Civil Appeals : 2100203).
Writ Denied. No Opinion.
Circuit Judge, Joseph L. Boohaker, (205) 325-5753
Pet. Asst. Atty. General, John Bahakel, (205) 328-9798
Pet. Atty., Jesse P Evans, III, (205) 254-1431
Resp. Atty., Roy J. Brown, (205) 328-7911
Resp. Atty., James S Ward, (205) 871-5404
Resp. Atty., Kenneth Joe Wilson, Jr, (205) 871-5404