Ex parte BankTrust, f/k/a BancTrust Company, Inc.
, J.
PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS (In re: Ronnie Lamar Still and Sandra Gilliland v. BankTrust, f/k/a BancTrust Company, Inc.) (Escambia Circuit Court: CV-09-45; Civil Appeals : 2100285).
Writ Denied. No Opinion.
Circuit Judge, Bert Wayne Rice, (251) 867-0253
Pet. Atty., Michael Dewitt Godwin, (251) 867-7724
Pet. Atty., Jeffrey Todd Stearns, (251) 867-7724
Resp. Atty., Gregory Britton Mccain, (334) 673-8522
Resp. Atty., Derek Evan Yarbrough, (334) 793-0051