In compliance with Tax Court Rule 12, after the Court renders its decision, and upon application to the Court's Copywork Office and payment of the required fee, persons other than parties may request copies of documents. While the Court is a court of public record, the Petition and attached notice of deficiency has not been sufficiently redacted in compliance with Tax Court Rule 27.
Considering the foregoing, it is
ORDERED that, on or before April 4, 2022, petitioner shall file with the Court a complete Redacted Petition with attached redacted notice of deficiency. The Redacted Petition shall be clearly marked "Redacted". The Redacted Petition shall be in all respects a duplicate of the unredacted Petition, including attachments, except that the identifying information of the taxpayer shall be properly redacted in accordance with Tax Court Rule 27. The Court will place the unredacted Petition with the attached notice of deficiency under seal after receipt of petitioner's redacted version, and the complete Redacted Petition with attached redacted notice of deficiency will be the version for the public record in compliance with Tax Court Rule 27. 1