SC: 155948 SC: 155949 SC: 155950 SC: 155951 SC: 155952
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DIBDETROIT, LLC, Defendant-Appellant, and IRENE GARZA and CITY OF DETROIT, Defendants. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DIBDETROIT, LLC, Defendant-Appellant, and MORTON INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC., as successor in interest to McLOUTH STEEL CORPORATION, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, and CITY OF DETROIT, Defendants. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DIBDETROIT, LLC, Defendant-Appellant, and CITY OF DETROIT, and BENJAMIN ZUCKER or his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, and ROSE ZUCKER or her unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, Defendants. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DIBDETROIT, LLC, Defendant-Appellant, and DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Defendant. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DIBDETROIT, LLC, Defendant-Appellant, and CITY OF DETROIT, Defendant.
155948-52 & (30) Stephen J. Markman, Chief Justice Brian K. Zahra Bridget M. McCormack David F. Viviano Richard H. Bernstein Joan L. Larsen Kurtis T. Wilder, Justices COA: 337673
Wayne CC: 17-000545-CC COA: 337678
Wayne CC: 17-000544-CC COA: 337680
Wayne CC: 17-000539-CC COA: 337683
Wayne CC: 17-000534-CC COA: 337688
Wayne CC: 17-000533-CC
On order of the Court, the plaintiff's motion for leave to file notice of decision by Court of Claims is GRANTED. The applications for leave to appeal the May 5, 2017 orders of the Court of Appeals are considered, and they are DENIED, because we are not persuaded that the question presented should be reviewed by this Court.
I, Larry S. Royster, Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court, certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the order entered at the direction of the Court.
October 31, 2017