CASE NO.: 2:11-cv-00629-AHM -JC
CARLYN DAVIS, an individual, Plaintiff, v. PFIZER, INC., Defendants.
Hon. A. Howard Matz (Judge)
Hon. (Magistrate)
Having reviewed the parties' Joint Stipulation for Protective Order, and for good cause shown, the Court hereby orders as follows:
The parties' Stipulated Protective Order is APPROVED AND SO ORDERED with the following modifications:
1. Paragraph 11: The cross-reference to Paragraph 8(b) through (e) is corrected to cross-reference Paragraph 9(b) through (e).
2. Paragraph 13: This paragraph is modified to read as follows: CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL and documents designated "CONFIDENTIAL -ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY" submitted for filing under seal shall be labeled with a cover sheet bearing the case name and number, along with the following statement: "This document is subject to a protective order in this case and shall not be copied or examined except in compliance with that order." In the event the Court authorizes the under seal filing thereof, documents so labeled shall be kept under seal by the Court Clerk.
3. Paragraph 19: The Court and Court personnel (including the Clerk's Office) are exempt from this provision.
4. Addition of New Paragraph 24: The following paragraph is added as Paragraph 24 to the end of the Stipulated Protective Order: To the extent not already reflected herein, the guidelines set forth in the Standing Order of the Honorable A. Howard Matz Re: Protective Orders and Treatment of Confidential Information are incorporated herein.
Hon. Jacqueline Chooljian