We are unpersuaded. An action for an accounting is equitable in nature, Crooker v Crooker, 340 Mich 250, 251; 65 NW2d 767 (1954), and "we review equitable issues de novo," Sys Soft Technologies, LLC v Artemis Technologies, Inc, 301 Mich App 642, 650; 837 NW2d 449 (2013). Noel cites MCL 450.4503(5) to support his argument that the trial court improperly denied his request for an accounting.
In subtracting the plaintiffs' cash drawings of $2,396 and 1/3 of the cost of plaintiffs' meals of $1,287 — a total of $3,683 — from plaintiffs' share of the profits, an overpayment of $33.85 results. This Court, in a chancery accounting suit, hears the matter de novo. Crooker v. Crooker, 340 Mich. 250. We have so examined the record.