Dustin M. Crawford Petitioner v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Respondent
Maurice B. Foley Chief Judge
On November 2, 2021, respondent filed a Notice of Filing of Petition and Right To Intervene. Respondent did not attach a copy of a certificate of service on the non petitioning spouse Tammy Crawford, as required under Rule 325(a), because, according to respondent, he is unable to find a current address for Ms. Crawford. Among other things, respondent states that "On October 25, 2021, respondent performed a search in Accurint and the IRS database for the contact information of the non petitioning spouse, Tammy Crawford. Respondent then left a voicemail message with the phone number listed and to date has not received a response." Accordingly, it is
ORDERED that, on or before November 29, 2021, respondent shall make paper service of the Notice of Filing of Petition and Right To Intervene on Tammy Crawford at her current address, and shall file with the Court a certificate of service showing such service on Ms. Crawford.