No. 171 WAL 2023
COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania BY Attorney General Michelle HENRY, Petitioner v. VISION PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC, VPM Holdings, LLC, Alex Szkaradek, Antoni Szkaradek, ACM Vision V, LLC, ACP 1, LLC, ACP 3, LLC, Alan Investments III, LLC, Alca, LLC, Archway Community Properties I, LLC, Archway Community Properties, II, LLC, Archway Community Properties, III, LLC, Archway Community Properties, IV, LLC, Avalanche Holdings Company, LLC, Axis, LLC, BAT Holdings Eight, LLC, BAT Holdings One, LLC, BAT Holdings, LLC, BAT Holdings Two, LLC, BAT Holdings Six, LLC, BAT Holdings Nine, LLC, BAT Holdings, Eight, LLC, BOOM SC, LLC, DS New, LLC, DSV SPV I, DSV SPV 2, DSV SPV3, Jolek, LLC, Kaja Holdings 2, LLC, Kaja Holdings, LLC M16S, LP, M17S, LP, Mon Haven 14, LP, National Housing Partners, LLC, Newbridge Capital Funding, LLC, One Pine VIII, LLC, PF I, LLC, PA Seven, LLC, Panda, LLC, Pansy, LLC, Penna, LLC, Reo, Rancho, LP, RV Holdings Seven, LLC, RV Holdings Four, LLC, RV Holdings, Three, LLC, RV Holdings Eleven LLC, RVFM I, LLC, RVFM II Series, LLC, RVFM 12, LLC, RVFM 13 Series, LLC, RVFM 2, LLC, RVFM 3, LLC, RVFM 4 Series, LLC, RVFM 5, LLC, RVFM 6, LLC, RVFM 8, LLC, SP 1, LLC, VPM Realty, LLC, Respondents
Petition for Allowance of Appeal from the Order of the Commonwealth Court
AND NOW, this 20th day of December, 2023, the Petition for Allowance of Appeal is GRANTED, LIMITED TO the issues set forth below. Allocatur is DENIED as to all remaining issues. The issues, as stated by petitioner, are:
(1) When entering default judgment under Pa.R.Civ.P. 4019, what are the limits on the relief a trial court can award in an equity action in which the plaintiff included a general prayer for relief in the complaint?
(2) Does an appellant’s generic opposition to a dispositive motion allow it to raise any issue on appeal even though it articulated no specific legal objections in the trial court?