Appellate case number: 01-13-00267-CVAppellate case number: 01-13-00233-CV
Jay H. Cohen, Individually and as Trustee of the JHC Trust I and II v. Sandcastle Homes, Inc. Jay H. Cohen, Individually and as Trustee of the JHC Trust I and II v. NewBiss Property, L.P.
ORDER ON MOTION FOR REHEARING Trial court case number: 2010-20973A & 2010-20973A Trial court: 234th District Court of Harris County Party filing motion: Appellant
It is ordered that the motion for rehearing is [×] DENIED [ ] GRANTED. Judge's signature: /s/ Sherry Radack
[ ] Acting individually [×] Acting for the Court
Panel consists of: Chief Justice Sherry Radack and Justices Massengale and Huddle; Justice Massengale would grant appellant's motion for rehearing Date: September 24, 2015