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95 Cal.App.4th 890a CITIZENS FOR JOBS AND THE ECONOMY et al., Plaintiffs and Respondents, v. COUNTY OF ORANGE, Defendant and Respondent, EL TORO REUSE PLANNING AUTHORITY et al., Intervenors and Appellants. D037543. California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, First Division February 4, 2002[Modification of opinion (94 Cal.App.4th 1311; 115 Cal.Rptr.2d 90).]
The court deems the petition for rehearing timely filed pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 27(b), together with rule 40(f), (i) and (k). All parties were mailed copies of the petition by express mail/overnight delivery, on the 15th day after the filing of the opinion, as extended by weekend and holidays, with the exception of Airport Working Group of Orange County, Inc. and David Ellis. However, as to the latter two parties, they have waived any irregularity in service by responding on the merits of the petition through co-counsel.
With respect to the petition for rehearing, it is denied. However, on the court's own motion, it modifies the opinion filed January 4, 2002 as follows:
1. At page 13, in the second line of the third paragraph [94 Cal.App.4th 1323, last par., line 2] delete "Opponents of the initiative, CJE et al.," and replace it with "Proponents of the initiative, ETRPA and Metzger."
2. At page 28, line 2 [94 Cal.App.4th 1333, 2d par., line 4], delete the four statutory citations after Government Code section 65050, subdivision (d), so that only Government Code section 65050, subdivision (d) remains in the parenthetical cite.
3. At page 28, line 4 [94 Cal.App.4th 1333, 2d par., line 7], delete the word "exclusive" and replace it with the three words, "sole or single."
There is no change in the judgment.