File No.: CN15-02786 Petition No.: 19-26363
Re: C B v. K L .
Petition Type: RTSC - Motion for Direct Deposit Dear Ms. B and Mr. L :
The Court received a Motion for Direct Deposit in this matter on April 7, 2021. In the section of the motion form where Petitioner is to list the facts which support her motion there is one word written - "Paperless." The Court notes that over the years, communication has become more casual and people use texting shortcuts, including slang, acronyms and even emoji's to convey their thoughts to one another. Pleadings frequently contain incomplete sentences, bullet points and phrases. However, this motion takes it to a whole other level as it does not contain a full sentence or even a phrase to help the Court to understand the basis for the request. Petitioner has filed a number of other Court documents which demonstrate that she is intelligent and fully capable of forming more complex statements, with a subject and a predicate. Petitioner even very competently represented herself in the ancillary proceedings. Thus, it is difficult to understand why she felt that the one word "Paperless" would give the Court all the information needed to determine if the requested relief was warranted.
The Court further notes that the Motion was filed in a Petition which was resolved in 2019 with a final Order. If additional relief is warranted, due to Respondent not following the existing Order, a new Petition must be filed, which should contain full sentences.
IT IS SO ORDERED this __________ day of APRIL, 2021 that the Motion is Denied.
Very truly yours,
Felice Glennon Kerr, Judge FGK:vm Date emailed:
Date mailed: