Cause number: 01-15-01114-CV
Carto Properties, LLC, Jen Marie Rau, Individually, Key Maps, Inc., and The Jen Marie Rau Life Insurance Trust v. Briar Capital, LP
Type of motion: Third Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellants' Brief Party filing motion: Appellants Carto Properties, LLC, Jen Marie Rau, Individually, Key Maps, Inc., and The Jen Marie Rau Life Insurance Trust Document to be filed: Appellants' Brief If motion to extend time:
Original due date: March 14, 2016Ordered that motion is:
Number of previous extensions granted: 2 Current Due date: June 13, 2016
Date Requested: June 23, 2016
[v] Granted
If document is to be filed, document due: June 23, 2016
[v] The Court will not grant additional motions to extend time.
Judge's signature: /s/ Terry Jennings
[ ] Denied
[ ] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[ ] Other: __________
Appellants' brief initially was due to be filed on March 14, 2016. On March 15, the Court granted the parties' joint motion for extension and extended the time to file the briefs to May 13. That day, the Court granted the parties' joint motion for extension and extended the time to file appellants' brief to June 13, with no further, extensions. Nevertheless, on June 13, appellants filed a third motion, seeking an extension to June 23, 101 days beyond the initial due date. The motion is granted.
Appellants' brief is due to be filed no later than THURSDAY , JUNE 23, 2016. No further extensions will be granted.
[v] Acting individually [ ] Acting for the Court Date: June 16, 2016