Opinion Delivered September 16, 2010
Appeal from Jefferson Circuit.
Appellant's pro se motion for reconsideration of dismissal of appeal is denied.
In Re: Supreme Court Committee on Civil Practice. See per curiam this date.
Honorable Robert Gladwin, Court of Appeals, of Prairie Grove and Honorable Henry Wilkinson, Circuit Judge, retired, of Russellville are appointed to the Civil Practice Committee for three-year terms to expire on July 31, 2013. We reappoint Murray Claycomb, Esq., of Warren to the committee for a three-year term to expire July 31, 2013. We thank them for their willingness to serve on this important committee.
We designate Judge Henry Wilkinson to serve as the chairperson and thank him for assuming these duties. He replaces Constance Clark of Fayetteville, and the court expresses its gratitude to her for her service as chair as well as for her other work for the committee. We also thank David Vandergriff of Little Rock, whose term has expired, for his service to this committee.
Professor Ken Gould of the Bowen School of Law is appointed Reporter to the Supreme Court Committee on Civil Practice. Professor Gould has been associated with the committee for many years as both a member and an advisor. The court thanks Professor Gould for accepting appointment to the Reporter's post. He succeeds Judge Price Marshall Jr., who resigned as the Reporter for the committee upon his confirmation to the federal bench. We recognized Judge Marshall's service in a separate per curiam order. See In re Honorable D. Price Marshall Jr. (May 27, 2010).
In 2003, John J. Watkins, William H. Enfield Professor of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, retired as the Reporter for the committee after nineteen years of service. At that time, we expressed our appreciation for his service. Since that time, Professor Watkins continued to assist the committee as an advisor, but he has notified the court that he will be ceasing this advisory assistance. We reiterate what we said in 2003, "He has performed his duties with a scholar's perspective and a professional's pride. The court is indebted to Professor Watkins and wishes him well in all his future endeavors." In re Retirement of John J. Watkins from the Committee on Civil Practice, 357 Ark. App'x 661 (2004).