03 C 2846
October 27, 2003
[In the following box (a) indicate the party filing the motion, e.g., plaintiff, defendant, 3rd party plaintiff, and (b) stale briefly the nature of the motion being presented.]
(1) Filed motion of [use listing in "Motion" box above.]
(2) Brief in support of motion due ___ ,
(3) Answer brief to motion due ___. Reply to answer brief due ___.
(4) Ruling/Hearing on ___ set for ___ at ___.
(5) Status hearing[held/continued to] [set for/re-set for] on ___ set for ___ at ___.
(6) Pretrial conference[held/continued to] [set for/re-set for] on ___ set for ___ at ___.
(7) Trial [set for/re-set for] on ___ at ___.
(8) [Bench/Jury trial] [Hearing] held/continued to ___ at ___.
(9) This case is dismissed [with/without] prejudice and without costs [by/agreement/pursuant to]
FRCP4(m) Local Rule 41.1 FRCP41(a)(1) FRCP41(a)(2).
(10) [Other docket entry] Telephone status held. Settlement conference set for 12/11/03 at 2:00 p.m. The plaintiff shall serve his settlement demand on the defendant pursuant to paragraph one of this Court's standing order for settlement conference by 11/12/03. The defendant shall serve its responsive letter to the plaintiffs demand letter by 11/21/03. Following the exchange of letters, counsel for the parties shall have a telephone conference to see whether the case can settle on the basis of the letters. If the parties are unable to settle on the basis of the letters, plaintiffs counsel shall fax or deliver copies of the letters to this Court's chambers by 4:00 p.m. 12/8/03. Status set for 12/4/03 is stricken.
(11) [For further detail see order (on reverse side of/attached to) the original minute order.]