MOLLY BROWN, PARSA MILLER and LAUREN MORGAN as individuals, on behalf of themselves, the general public and those similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. NATURE'S PATH FOODS, INC. Defendants.
I, Kali Backer, an active member in good standing of the bar of Colorado, hereby respectfully apply for admission to practice pro hac vice in the Northern District of California representing: Plaintiffs in the above-entitled action. My local co-counsel in this case is Marie A. McCrary, an attorney who is a member of the bar of this Court in good standing and who maintains an office within the State of California.
My address of record: 4450 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100, Boulder, Colorado 80303 | Local co-counsel's address of record: 100 Pine Street, Suite 1250 San Francisco, California 94111 |
My telephone # of record: (415)639-9090 | Local co-counsel's telephone # of record: (415)639-9090 |
My email address of record: kali@gutridesafier.com | Local co-counsel's email address of record: marie@gutridesafier.com |
I am an active member in good standing of a United States Court or of the highest court of another State or the District of Columbia, as indicated above; my bar number is: 45436.
A true and correct copy of a certificate of good standing or equivalent official document from said bar is attached to this application.
I agree to familiarize myself with, and abide by, the Local Rules of this Court, especially the Standards of Professional Conduct for attorneys and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Local Rules.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the application of Kali Backeris granted, subject to the terms and conditions of Civil L.R. 11-3. All papers filed by the attorney must indicate appearance pro hac vice. Service of papers upon, and communication with, local co-counsel designated in the application will constitute notice to the party.