364921 365078
LC No. 2016-847920-DM
Mark T. Boonstra Presiding Judge Anica Letica Kathleen A. Feeney Judges
Pursuant to the opinion issued concurrently with this order, this case is REMANDED for further proceedings consistent with the opinion of this Court. We do not retain jurisdiction.
The opinion accompanying this order has immediate effect. MCR 7.215(F)(2).
Proceedings on remand shall be given priority on remand until they are concluded, and the evidentiary hearings shall be concluded by the end of September 2023; both parties shall have 14 days after the close of proofs to file written proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and 7 days thereafter to respond, and the trial court shall issue its opinion and order within 28 days after the responses are due. The proceedings on remand are limited to these issues.