C.A. No. KC-13-1128 C.A. No. KC-13-1129
MANUEL ANDREWS, JR., et al., Plaintiffs, v. JAMES J. LOMBARDI, in his capacity as Treasurer of the City of Providence, Rhode Island, Defendant.
ATTORNEYS: For Plaintiff: Stephen H. Burke, Esq.; Thomas J. McAndrew, Esq.; Kevin F. Bowen, Esq. For Defendant: Jeffrey M. Padwa, Esq.; William M. Dolan, III, Esq.; Nicholas L. Nybo, Esq.
AMENDED DECISION TAFT-CARTER , J. This Amended Decision is being filed to correct the following letter as it appears in the Decision filed on February 2, 2017:
On page 39, line 13, "Category D" should be changed to read as "Category F."
The remaining contents of the Decision filed on February 2, 2017 remain the same.
For Plaintiff: Stephen H. Burke, Esq.; Thomas J. McAndrew, Esq.; Kevin F. Bowen, Esq. For Defendant: Jeffrey M. Padwa, Esq.; William M. Dolan, III, Esq.; Nicholas L. Nybo, Esq.