ADM File No. 2005-17.
February 23, 2006.
On order of the Court, the need for immediate action having been found, the notice requirements of MCR 1.201 are dispensed with and the following amendment of Rule 7.213 of the Michigan Court Rules is adopted, effective immediately. Public comments on this amendment, however, may be submitted to the Supreme Court Clerk in writing or electronically until December 31, 2006, at: P.O. Box 30052, Lansing, MI 48909, or MSC_clerk@courts.mi.gov. When filing a comment, please refer to ADM File No. 2005-17. Your comments will be posted, along with the comments of others, at www.courts.mi.gov/supremecourt/resources/administrative/i ndex.htm. This amendment will then be considered at a future public hearing following the comment deadline.
[Additions are indicated in underlining and deletions are indicated in strikeover.]
Rule 7.213 Calendar Cases
(A) — (B)[Unchanged.]
(C) Priority on Calendar. The priority of cases on the session calendar is in accordance with the initial filing dates of the cases, except that precedence shall be given to:
(1) — (3) [Unchanged.]
(4) appeals from all cases involving election issues, including, but not limited to, recall elections and petition disputes;
(4 5) — (5 6) [Renumbered, but otherwise unchanged.]
Staff Comment: The amendment of Rule 7.213(C), effective immediately, of the Michigan Court Rules would require the Court of Appeals to give priority to appeals involving election cases.
The staff comment is not an authoritative construction by the Court.