ADM File No. 2005-44.
May 30, 2006.
On order of the Court, notice of the proposed changes and an opportunity for comment in writing and at a public hearing having been provided, and consideration having been given to the comments received, the following amendment of Rule 3.973 of the Michigan Court Rules is adopted, effective July 1, 2006.
[Additions are indicated by underlining and deletions are indicated by strikeover.]
Rule 3.973 Dispositional Hearing
(A) — (E)[Unchanged.]
(F) Dispositional Orders
(1) — (4)[Unchanged.]
(5) Child Support. The court may include an order requiring one or both of the child's parents to pay child support. All child support orders entered under this subrule must comply with MCL 552.605 and MCR 3.211(D).
(G) — (H)[Unchanged.]
Staff Comment: The amendment provides that the court may enter a child support order at the dispositional hearing and that it must use the Michigan Child Support Formula as required by statute and the Uniform Support Order required by court rule in establishing the child support order.
The staff comment is not an authoritative construction by the Court.