Order No. 1693.
February 19, 2009.
Effective Date: October 15, 2009.
District Court Criminal Rule 8 is amended to read as follows:
District Court Criminal Rule 8. Minor Offenses.
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(k) Non-Attorney Representation. A municipal corporation or the State of Alaska may be represented by an employee of the state, the municipality, or other political subdivision of the state for the prosecution of minor offenses under this rule, AS 22.20.040 notwithstanding.However, tThe representative may giveis limited to givingtestimony, offer exhibits, and call witnesses for examination by the court, butandmay not examine witnesses, make opening and closing arguments, or otherwise act as an attorney. The representative need not be employed by the same government entity represented, but must be authorized by the entity to represent it.
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/s/ _________________ Justice Matthews
/s/ _________________ Justice Eastaugh
/s/ _________________ Justice Carpeneti
/s/ _________________ Justice Winfree