Julio Alvarado v. The State of Texas
Date motion filed*: May 5, 2014 Type of motion: Motion to Extend Time for Filing Response to Anders Brief Party filing motion: Appellant Document to be filed: Response to Anders Brief If motion to extend time:
Deadline to file document: _____________________________________________Ordered that motion is:
Number of previous extensions granted: _____________________________________________
Length of extension sought: _____________________________________________
[] GrantedJudge's signature: Michael Massengale
If document is to be filed, document due:[] The Clerk is instructed to file the document as of the date of this order[] Denied
[] Absent extraordinary circumstances, the Court will not grant additional motions to extend time
[] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[v] Other
On May 5, 2014, appellant filed a letter (1) alleging that he has not received a copy of the Anders brief filed by his appointed counsel and (2) requesting access to other documents in the record. We construe appellant's letter as a motion to extend the time for filing his response to counsel's Anders brief and grant appellant an extension to June 27, 2014 to file his response. The clerk of this Court will provide appellant with a copy of (1) counsel's Anders brief, (2) the trial court clerk's record, and (3) the trial court reporter's record.
[v] Acting individually [] Acting for the Court
Panel consists of __________________