19-cv-5032 (ALC) (KHP)
This matter comes before the Court by motion filed by Plaintiff for the entry of final judgment and permanent injunction by default against Defaulting Defendants for Defaulting Defendants' trademark infringement, trademark counterfeiting, false designation of origin, passing off and unfair competition, copyright infringement and related state and common law claims arising out of Defaulting Defendants' unauthorized use of Plaintiff's Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works, without limitation, in their manufacturing, importing, exporting, advertising, marketing, promoting, distributing, displaying or offering for sale and/or selling and/or sale of Counterfeit Products.
Where a defined term is referenced herein and not defined herein, the defined term should be understood as it is defined in the Glossary following the Order.
The Court, having considered the Memorandum of Law, Affidavit of Brieanne Scully in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against Defaulting Defendant, the Certificates of Service of the Summons and Complaint, the Certificate of the Clerk of the Court stating that no answer has been filed in the instant action, and upon all other pleadings and papers on file in this action, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: 1
I. Defaulting Defendants' Liability
1) Judgment is granted in favor of Plaintiff on all claims properly pled against Defaulting Defendants in the Complaint;
II. Damages Awards
1) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that because it would serve both the compensatory and punitive purposes of the Lanham Act's prohibitions on willful infringement, and because Plaintiff has sufficiently set forth the basis for the statutory damages award requested in its Motion for Default Judgment, the Court finds such an award to be reasonable and Plaintiff is awarded Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000.00) in statutory damages (“Individual Damages Award”) against each and every Defaulting Defendant (a total of Eighty-Nine (89) Defaulting Defendants) pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(c) of the Lanham Act for a total of Four Million Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4, 450, 000.00), plus post-judgment interest.
III. Permanent Injunction
1) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that Defaulting Defendant, its respective officers, agents, servants, employees, and all persons acting in concert with or under the direction of Defaulting Defendants, who receive actual notice of this Order are permanently enjoined and restrained from:
A. manufacturing, importing, exporting, advertising, marketing, promoting, distributing, displaying, offering for sale, selling and/or otherwise dealing in Counterfeit Products or any other products bearing the Ice Genie Mark and/or marks that are confusingly similar to, identical to and constitute a counterfeiting and/or infringement of the Ice Genie Mark and/or incorporating one or more of2
the Ice Genie Works and/or artwork that is substantially similar to, identical to and constitute infringement of the Ice Genie Works;
B. directly or indirectly infringing in any manner any of Plaintiff's trademarks, copyrights or other rights in the Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works; and
C. using any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation of Plaintiff's Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works to identify any goods or services not authorized by Plaintiff;
D. using any of Plaintiff's Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works, or any other marks or artwork that are confusingly or substantially similar to the Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works on or in connection with the manufacturing, importing, exporting, advertising, marketing, promoting, distributing, displaying, offering for sale, selling and/or otherwise dealing in the Counterfeit Products.
2) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Defaulting Defendants must deliver up for destruction to Plaintiff any and all Counterfeit Products and any and all packaging, labels, tags, advertising and promotional materials and any other materials in the possession, custody or control of Defaulting Defendants that infringe any of Plaintiff's trademarks, copyrights or other rights including, without limitation, the Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works, or bear any marks or artwork that are confusingly or substantially similar to the Ice Genie Mark and Ice Genie Works pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1118.
IV. Order Authorizing Continued Alternative Service by Electronic Means
1) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, as sufficient cause has been shown, that such alternative service by electronic means that was ordered in the Orders, shall be deemed effective as to Defendants, Financial Institutions and Third Party Service Providers through the 3 pendency of this action.
V. Miscellaneous Relief
1) Defaulting Defendants may, upon proper showing and two (2) business days written notice to the Court and Plaintiffs counsel, appear and move for modification of the provisions of this Order;
2) Any failure by Defaulting Defendants to comply with the terms of this Order shall be deemed contempt of Court, subjecting Defaulting Defendants to contempt remedies to be determined by the Court, including fines and seizure of property; and
3) This Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter and the parties in order to construe and enforce this Order.