ADM File No. 2005-23.
June 27, 2006.
On order of the Court, the following Rule 3.920 of the Local Court Rules of the Third Judicial Circuit Court is adopted, effective September 1, 2006.
[The following is a new local court rule for the Third Judicial Circuit Court.]
Rule 3.920(B)(4) Simultaneous Attempts at Service in Juvenile Proceedings
(b) Service of a summons on the persons listed in MCR 3.920(B)(2) shall be attempted simultaneously by:
(i) personal service in accord with MCR 3.920(B)(4)(a);
(ii) registered mail directed to the person's last known address; and
(iii) publication in accord with MCR 3.920(B)(4)(b).
Personal service, service by registered mail, and service by publication shall be made in accord with the time standards in MCR 3.920(B)(5). If the court finds on the record that reasonable attempts have been made to personally serve persons required to be served and that personal service is impracticable or has not been achieved, the court may then rely on the service by registered mail or publication.
Staff Comment: LCR 3.920(B)(4)(b) allows simultaneous service of process by personal service, registered mail, and publication. If a court finds personal service is impracticable or cannot be achieved, service by one of the other methods may be relied on.
The staff comment is not an authoritative construction by the Court.